I want you to look at this website.
I want you to stop what you're doing, and dive into this woman's journey in India. I want you to see the things she sees, and read the things she is experiencing.
This is what I'm going to do. This is what my heart is calling me to do. This is what God is saying, "Do. Go." I am browsing through her pictures, practically moved to tears. The one about the brave little girl. The one where she talks to God, and allows the picture to speak for itself. The one she titles "Twinkle". Every word she writes. Every word she says, with saying nothing at all. Stephanie says, "I think, instead of going to college right away, you should travel." And my heart did a somer-sault. Like one of those, "No way could this happen. No way I could do it. No way I'm good enough" somer-saults, but along with that, the somer-sault where God is saying, "Yes."
Have you ever felt that? I think it's been a while, for me. But God is telling me "Yes. Yes. Yes." And I am saying "I'm scared." But I can't even begin to explain to you how much I would love that.
To blog about my story, my adventure. To allow my pictures to speak into people's hearts. To allow them to see Christ through my photographs, to see Him, and not me.
I am excited, for my life. I may not be the best photographer in the world, but maybe that's why I started young, so I can get better until my time comes to Go.
Deep down, I always felt that I would go. My passion for travel, and for seeing new things, new places. My joy that comes from change. I think deep down, I would be called to go everywhere.
But sitting here, on my Mom's laptop, reading this girl's blog, I have felt the first real tugging from God. I no longer want to travel so that I can get away or run away. This is something different. This is God. That wrenching in my heart, that told me exactly where I needed to be.
Something as simple as this blog, these pictures, is going to change my entire life, my entire world, my entire way of seeing things.
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