
Tuesday, November 23, 2010


When I think of community, it frightens me. I mean really, community? As in large groups of people all pretending to love on each other, but actually just trying to get out of things as much as they can? 
Not my idea of fun. Uck.

But digging deeper, and into the biblical version of community, we see something entirely different. In Acts (2:42-47, 4:32-37), we find everyone gathered together-they were eating together, growing in Christ together, and every need was met. In Romans 12:16, we find that He says, "Live in harmony with one another."Galatians 6:2 says, "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."
But a Bible verse that I have come to love, and is entirely applicable, is 1 John 1:7,
"But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin."

Do you hear this?
I'm going to write it again.

"But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin."

We already have fellowship with each other, through Christ.
We all have one thing in common-God. The Holy Spirit lives inside us as Christians. Why would we not want to fellowship with one another? 
In 1 Corinthians 12, we find that each of us have our own gifts, that Christ has given each one of us. We also find that we, as Christians, are a body.
As in, this one guy is the shin, and this girl I know is a finger, and this other girl is the ear lobe, and this kid is the ankle bone.
We are all unique.
And as we all know, our bodies have about a kajillion and one different parts. But without one part, we wouldn't work right.
As in, this guy is really gifted with words, and this other girl is incredibly incredible at painting, and this other kid can memorize things like crazy and pretty much can quote the whole Bible, and this other gal is really talented at giving life to those in need.
(I'm sure, if Taylor reads this next word, he will be amused.)

We are meant to be a body. We are meant to do the things that Christ has instilled in us, with other people.
This means that I need other people. Because although I may connect with God by sight, someone else may connect with him by hearing, or playing, or drawing, or writing, or dancing, or singing.
My goal, as a human, a Christian, and a daughter of Christ, is to know God.
And although it will not ever happen, I long to know all of God.
In order to know all of God, I need community to share with me the things they draw, sing, dance, play, hear. These people, in my life, were given to me so that my blinders will slowly be lifted from my eyes. And they will become less and less, and I will start seeing the big picture...of God.

So tonight, when asked about what being intentional with people means,
I had to check my own intentions.

I had to bounce back to what God wants of me, and who I long to be.

And in an entirely biblical sense?
I long for community.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Welcoming Back For Winter

It has been so long, since I've written a blog.
I didn't actually realize that I had stopped, it just happened, as if it's a normal step in life. (I guess, of course, everyone lags at one point or another. My lagging period was just a little bit longer than some.)
Winter is coming. Thanksgiving is almost here. Christmas is a little over a month away.
And I lay in my bed, with 7 blankets on me, and remember why Winter is so rough (excluding the fact that the inside of my home is colder than outside.). I remember why I needed blogging and excessive journaling, and creative brain flowing consistently through my house.
Because Winter is messy. Winter is the season that makes me want to throw my hair into a messy bun, and wear too small long-sleeved shirts with much too big jeans, and slipper socks, and stare out my window at the beautiful things God has given me.
But what else comes with Winter? Cold. Dark.
The trees pause to rest for many months. There aren't any flowers, with their colors reminding us about other life. Animals go into hiding, and the ones that don't turn to survival mode leaving carcasses strewn about in various hidden places.
And the cold air that falls down my throat, reminds me that too-warm will not be considered for a very long time.
Oh, gosh, my mind is so disastrous, I hardly remember my topic.
It's so hard to stay on track.

The main point.
My brain.

My brain does not want to pause like the trees. My brain longs to continue budding, producing beautiful colors, and plentiful fruit.
My brain does not want to be hold on hold for the messy, hard months of Winter. Even when storms come blustering in, I want to remember that I have shelter.
And so I believe I may start blogging again.

I need to begin picking up things I long for, that I strangely set down for too long.
I've begun a new journal, simply for inspiration and creative journaling. I've begun to crochet, and have decided I like it better than knitting. I'm listening to music that is good for my soul, and singing at the top of my lungs. I've begun covering myself with blankets, and spending time replenishing my soul with my family. I have begun to be intentional with people. I have begun to love people, rather than judge people. I made a list of goals for the next year of my life.

Oh, goodness.
The point.
The main point?

I have dropped things that I need, because sometimes I feel like maybe I am too much. I have stopped doing things that stir my heart strings, because maybe, I over-react about little things, and it really isn't that important.
I've been lying to myself.
And this? This is important.

I need this again.
And so, hello blog. Hello my dear friends, family, and various readers.
I'm returning again.